Friday, December 7, 2012

I will miss

For the past few days there have been about a kajillion things that I have wanted to blog about, to spill my heart about all God is doing here and about all the things that are running through my mind, a million topics a minute... If I could just find the words to wrap around all that I am feeling and all that I am thinking about... Well then you would never have time to read it all. I just thought I'd tell you about some stuff I'm gonna miss...

I will miss these kids who scream my name every time they see me.
I will miss them jumping into my arms and trying to squeeze the life out of me.
I will miss almost falling over because they are pulling me in 5 different directions.
I will miss seeing the toys they make for themselves... Balls out of plastic bags, cars out of juice boxes...
I will miss the feeling of walking down a dirt road, trying to avoid the mud and the taxis speeding down the street.
I will miss the girls I live with who have moved from roommates, to friends, to sisters, and will forever be a part of my heart and life.
I will miss doing ministry with them every single day.
I knowing everything about their day and them knowing everything about mine.
I will miss the laughs we share together over common annoyances.
I will miss cooking for them.
I will miss the Ugandan staff who have become such a large part of my life.
I will miss hearing Luganda that I can't understand.
I will miss being called Nahni by everyone.
I will miss the deep greens and burnt oranges of this place.
I will miss the red dust always on my feet and ground into my clothes.
I will miss the poverty that somehow bring about so much richness.
I will miss the fresh pineapple.
I will miss long rides in the van crammed with too many people and too much stuff.
I will miss bumpy roads that give you "African massages"
I will miss climbing into the top bunk and pulling my mosquito net for the night.
I might even miss Herman the mouse (or mice) and waking up to the most annoying rooster in the world.

But I think most of all I will miss the necessity of relying on God for everything here.

I am praying that as I head back to comfort, God won't let me become comfortable. I want to every day, every hour need Him more than I need anything else. I want to rely on Him the way I do here. I want to stand out at home because of my relationship with Him as much as I stand out here because of the color of my skin. I want continued intimacy. I want deeper relationship. I want to rely on Him for every single need. I want to be hungry for His Word, His presence. His Spirit.

I want to want Him as much as He wants me!!!!

until all have heard,
lauren michelle gross

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